Numerous things has been done from 8am - 11pm today; namely
- Disposing hazardous waste at W315
- Topping up DI water at W315
- Buying Fittings for aeration pump at Clementi
- Buying Kang Kong, Alfalfa & Green Bean seeds at NTUC
- Anaerobic Stage sampling for both Digestors
- Gas Testing with some unbelievably good results
- Loading of Aerobic Stage for both Grey and Orange Digestors
As usual, a picture speaks a thousand words.
First of all, Brenda was pretty upset with the deforestation going around the farm:
Diposing the hazardous waste at W315:
Planting at Singapore Vision Farm:
From Left: Commercial Fertiliser, Alfalfa Seeds, Green Beans and Kang Kong Seeds
Kang Kong Seeds:
We got the empty pots for planting from Jason:
Softening the Soil for farming purposes:
Preparing labels for the 12 pots (3 plants x 4 conditions = 12 pots):
Our full-time female farmer doing the seeding:
Planting for anaerobic stage sludge completed:
This proofs that the Grey digestor isn't 100% air-tight, isn't it?
We'll be evaluating the design of the agitator packing gland with Dr. Han:
The Full Gas Testing Event:
And there we go: 100% LEL OR (out of range)!
The methane quality collected was incredibly high for the anaerobic stage! It could have been higher if not for the air leakage.
We will be proceeding to aerobic stage testing tomorrow. At the same time, the growth and sprouting of the potted plants will be monitored on a daily basis.
Kian How, signing off on 14/12/10 at 3.00am.
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