Sunday, December 12, 2010

4th & 5th Anaerobic Sampling (Day 12 & 14) on 1st & 3rd December 2010 (Wednesday & Friday)

Results were pretty much steady-state, indicating that the seniors' research on running the anaerobic stage for an optimum time of 2 weeks was indeed correct; the concentration readings were relatively stable.

Sad Case, it rained heavily on both days... My laptop got caught in the rain and I had to send it for repair... This explains the late updates...

Due to the ongoing camp, we were forced to conduct our testing here instead of the usual area. At first sight, it seemed picturesque. On second thoughts, it was a horrible idea when we got caught in the rain, together with the equipment:

There we go, trying frantically to dry everything with a fan and tissue paper:

The Flow Regulator for the oxygen tank (to be connected to aerobic stage):

On Friday, we figured how to use the gas detector and subsequently drained off the human waste:

Algae growth in the sight glass indicates the anaerobic stage may not be perfectly air-tight; suspected leak area: gland packing for agitator, will review this together with Dr Han. Nevertheless, results for sludge were still pretty much following a predicted trend. All is well!!

Did some labeling on the grey digestor for the future batches' easy understanding (all tags were laminated and water-proof):

As mentioned earlier, results were showing a near steady state trend. To further confirm that steady state has been reached, we will be running the anaerobic digestion process for an additional 1 week for research purposes. If the results show stability, 2 weeks would be taken as the future optimum anaerobic stage running time.

Kian How, signing off on 12/12/10, 2.51am.

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