Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Plant Growth Progress on 27 December 2010

Plant Height Measurements (27th December 2010)

Anaerobic Stage (Week 2):

Grey Digester
Orange Digester
Commercial Fertilizer

Green Bean

T:     300
S:     280
ΔH:  290

T:     280
S:     70
ΔH:  175

T:     280
S:     210
ΔH:  245

T:     230
S:     45
ΔH:  137.5

Kang Kong

T:     120
S:     90
ΔH:  105

T:     100
S:     80
ΔH:  90

T:     150
S:     50
ΔH: 100

T:     145
S:     70
ΔH:  107.5


T:     70
S:     20
ΔH:  45

T:     40
S:     10
ΔH:  30

T:     55
S:     10
ΔH:  32.5

T:     45
S:     15
ΔH:  30
T: Tallest; S: Shortest; ΔH: Average height.
All measurements in MM.

Aerobic Stage (Week 1):

Grey Digester
Orange Digester
Commercial Fertilizer

Green Bean

T:     180
S:     60
ΔH:  120

T:     170
S:     50
ΔH:  110

T:     120
S:     40
ΔH:  80


Kang Kong

T:     50
S:     10
ΔH:  30

T:     35
S:     5
ΔH:  20

T:     60
S:     45
ΔH:  52.5

T:     75
S:     70
ΔH:  72.5


T:     30
S:     10
ΔH:  20

T:     30
S:     15
ΔH:  22.5

T:     35
S:     10
ΔH:  22.5

T:     35
S:     15
ΔH:  25
T: Tallest; S: Shortest; ΔH: Average height.
All measurements in MM.

Plant Picture Overview:

Anaerobic Stage (Week 2):

Aerobic Stage (Week 1):

Individual plant photos

Anaerobic Stage (Week 2):

Aerobic Stage (Week 1):

For close up on individual photos, please feel free to look for Brenda.

Nights people,

Brenda Chen
Date: 28th  December 2010
Time: 3:35AM (!!)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry X'mas & Plant Growth Progress

Merry Christmas to all our blog visitors and all those who have help out in one way or another !!

We would like to thank those who have helped us, guided us and monitored our progress throughout the course of this project:

  • Mr. Andrew Kon
  • Dr. Han
  • Mr. Desmond Lim
  • Uncle Christopher
  • Jason
  • Mr. Kannan, Mr. Murugan and Mr Wai
  • Ms. Moe
  • Mdm Tan and Mr Yeo (TSOs)
  • All the "brothers"  and "uncles" at Ensure Engineering
  • Xavier Leow and all others who have helped us in one way or another

Plants from fertilisers of Anaerobic Stage (Day 12) - click to zoom in:

Plants from fertilisers of Aerobic Stage (Day 5) - click to zoom in:

Close-up for Green beans, orange digestor, anaerobic stage:

Kian How, signing off on 24/12/10 at 8.30pm.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Final Aerobic Sampling (Day 7) on 20 December 2010 (Monday)

On this final test, we split the group to fulfill 3 different tasks simultaneously:
  • Marcus: Sample Testing and Data Tabulation
  • Brenda: Sample Collection and Planting with fertilisers from aerobic stage
  • KH: Digestors Decommissioning and Washing, Packing up of equipment
  • All 3: Switching of Compressed Air Tank (the initial one had run out)

This is the new Thermoractor. The compartment of the left is used for COD and TOC tests; the rectangular plate on the left serves as a heating plate:

Switching the compressed air cylinder:


 Marcus's performing sampling:

TOC Test for all 6 sample cells:
Left: before settling. Right: observe 3 distinct layers for the same test.

KH draining and washing the Grey & Orange Digestors:



The concept of the back-wash valve worked!! We managed to free the sight glass from clogging and algae. Good that we foresaw the issue of plugging (for slurry application) during the "DESIGN" stage:

Before washing:

After back-flushing:

Packing up and disposing the waste chemicals:


Yet another night shift (we left farmmart at 9 pm):

Key Testing Results & Findings:
  1. Sulphate, COD and TOC concentration dropped progressively
  2. Phosphate and Nitrate concentration rose (increase in fertiliser quality)
  3. High quality of biogas (70-100% LEL)
  4. pH remained consistently in the alkaline range (optimum 7.2 - 7.4)
  5. Volatile Acid rose and then dropped
  6. Sludge density showed a decreasing trend
  7. Operation for both stages were non-auto-thermal, despite the initial claims of an ATAD (auto-thermal thermophilic aerobic digestion) process. Temperature remained in the region of 30 Degrees Celsius.
  8. Pollution level was extremely low (COD levels reached "0")
  9. High fertiliser quality (when compared to blank and commercial fertiliser); plant height >10 cm after 1 week.

Kian How, signing off on 21/12/10, 12pm.

Friday, December 17, 2010

5th Aerobic Sampling (Day 4) on 17 December 2010 (Friday)

We encountered some hip-cups with the compressed air cylinder today. The air supply ran out and we had to replace it with another cylinder.

Thanks Mr Kon for delivering the HACH chemicals yesterday; we had just used up the TOC reagents from WTW. We'll be returning Ms Yang's Photometer to W316.

This is the new TOC test kit (HACH) - before reaction:

The TOC Cells - after reaction; the actual colour when we were on-site were from left, bright yellow, pink and purple:

The Nitrate Test (to evaluate fertiliser efficiency):


The below shows the potted plants' growth  progress on Day 4:


Kang Kong's Growth Progress:


Alfalfa's Growth Progress:

Green Beans' Growth Progress:

Results and Findings:

Apparently, the fertilisers from our grey and orange digestors are working better than the commercial one.

Most importantly, we have another set of breakthrough test results today!! The COD for both digestors fell to "0".

The chemical oxygen demand (COD) test is commonly used to indirectly measure the amount of organic compounds in water. It determines the amount of organic pollutants found in water, making COD a useful measure of water quality.

With a "0" COD value, the effect of the aerobic stages' efficiency on pathogen destruction is manifested. This also indicates a very low pollutant level, which makes a requisite for good fertilisers.

 Kian How, signing off on 17/12/10, 11pm.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

4th Aerobic Sampling (Day 3) on 16 December 2010 (Thursday)

The group did the usual sampling today, just that the green beans are growing at an amazing rate with fertilisers from the orange digestor. The TOC and Volatile Acid test set happened to arrive just before we  run out of reagents today.

The Orange Digestor with aeration from the base of the vessel:


It's not apparent from here, but there is a tube linking from the orange to grey digestor for simultaneous aeration of both aerobic stages:

With the exception of the commercial fertiliser (Extreme RHS Column), the rest of the potted plants have started growing or sprouting:


Close-up of the green bean pot, which has grown to a height of 5 cm in 3 days, with our orange digestor fertiliser:

Kian How, signing off on 16/12/10 at 4.45pm.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

3rd Aerobic Sampling (Day 2) on 15 December 2010 (Wednesday)

Today, we did the following:
  • Heat exchanger was faulty
    (electrician coming down on saturday to resolve issue)
  • Called Amanda for Chemicals
  • Commissioned oxygen supply into both digestors
  • Aerobic stage sample testing

Heat Exchanger
There was an ant nest in the electrical box. So it's highly possible that it would not be operational.

It also operates on 410W (or kW?). So we can only get it going with a generator (How did the previous few batches work it? SVF would have suffered blackouts if it operates for too long).

Oxygen Tank
Operated the O2 tank today for both Gray and Orange Digestors. However, O2 tank was only able to operate for approximately 4 hours. it has about an hour lifespan left. (Same question, how did the seniors keep constant supply for even a full day? 8 tanks?).

MR ANDREW KON, we really need the chemicals and other purchases. I'm currently working with Amanda and Joyce from HACH as well as Celine from FLUKE. apparently the 'order was already delivered today'. Anyone heard about this?

Aerobic Testings

The COD test results; for the first time, the grey digestor sample turned turquoise:
Below: COD results for Gray Digester, Orange Digester and Blank sample (From Left to Right)

(Brenda's comment: Could it be due to the extremely low COD? It look nice though. =/)

Below: Samples of Grey Digester and Orange Digester Sample (Both Aerobic Stage) (From Left to Right)


The Green Beans Sprouted at an amazing rate, considering that this was only Day 2:
Below: Green Bean seedling for Orange Digester, Anaerobic Stage


(Brenda's comment: This actually SUDDENLY sprout out. which is seriously interesting as it's growing faster than Alfalfa. Alfalfa is sposed to grow at a much faster rate.)

Close-up of the green bean sprouts:

(Brenda's comment: It's amazing to see ALL Green Bean seedlings from Orange Digester Anaerobic growing so fast.)

Watering the plants (150ml water per pot):

(Brenda's comment: To ensure a more accurate comparison, it would be better to offer the same amount of nutrient to all samples)

Changing the fitting into tee-joint to accommodate aeration of both digestors:

(Brenda's comment:
  • Brenda wishes to officially apologize to Lakshman. The truth is, about 1min after I stopped filming, he opened the wrong valve and the CONTENT (Erhem) sprayed out at him. Please imagine the horror of high pressure shit attacking you for even 5s. 
  • If the pressure inside the orange is able to come out so easily, we would need an air pressure higher than that to push it in. However, if pressure is too high, the Gray digester will become a Shit Fondue)

    Adjusting the bubbling rate in the aerobic stage:

    (Brenda's comment: as mentioned above, it can only last for approximately 4-5hours at best.)

    Setting up the aeration system in the grey digestor:

    Aerating the Aerobic stage, at one point of time, the pressure was so high that the mixer handle almost seemed like it was about to fly off:

    Mr Kon, Brenda needs the list of EVERYTHING that you've ordered from HACH and/or WTW. URGENT. Brenda have just received an email which states that your first order have been DELIVERED. 

    Also, we would need at least one oxygen tank a day. We can only leave it running when WE ARE PRESENT.

    Marcus, Kian How.. PLEASE ensure that valve at Orange Digester to maintain at 50% or LESS. Pressure at O2 Tank should NOT exceed 0.5Barg. Otherwise, when O2 supply finishes, O2 Tank will be filled with shit and Gray Digester will really be a Shit Fondue.

    Posted by Kian How, signing off on 15/12/10 at 7pm.

    Edited and commented by Brenda Chen (date and time as above)

    Tuesday, December 14, 2010

    2nd Aerobic Sampling (Day 1) on 14 December 2010 (Tuesday)

    We proceeded to day 1 of the aerobic stage sampling after the sludge transfer yesterday.

    Amazingly, for the orange digestor's anaerobic sludge, 2 pots - Alfalfa & Green Beans Sprouted after 1 day. Nothing was observed from the Kang Kong pot yet:

    The white dots are Alfalfa sprouts:

     The green bean sprouts right in the center of the photo:

    Potted plants before watering:

    Potted Plants after watering:

    Close up for Kang Kong - Orange Digestor; no sprouting:

    If you can't afford mosquito repellent, use this: burning tissue paper on satay stick:


    The TOC cells test are running out soon. Brenda will be checking out of the status of the ordered Chemicals (HACH) with Amanda or Joyce.

    Kian How, signing off on 14/12/10, 11.15pm.

    7th (Final) Anaerobic Sampling (Day 24); Aerobic Stage Loading (Day 0) on 13th December 2010 (Monday)

    Numerous things has been done from 8am - 11pm today; namely
    • Disposing hazardous waste at W315
    • Topping up DI water at W315
    • Buying Fittings for aeration pump at Clementi
    • Buying Kang Kong, Alfalfa & Green Bean seeds at NTUC
    • Anaerobic Stage sampling for both Digestors
    • Gas Testing with some unbelievably good results
    • Loading of Aerobic Stage for both Grey and Orange Digestors

    As usual, a picture speaks a thousand words.

    First of all, Brenda was pretty upset with the deforestation going around the farm:

    Diposing the hazardous waste at W315:

    Planting at Singapore Vision Farm:

    From Left: Commercial Fertiliser, Alfalfa Seeds, Green Beans and Kang Kong Seeds

    Kang Kong Seeds:

    We got the empty pots for planting from Jason:

    Softening the Soil for farming purposes:


    Preparing labels for the 12 pots (3 plants x 4 conditions = 12 pots):

    Our full-time female farmer doing the seeding:


    Planting for anaerobic stage sludge completed:

    This proofs that the Grey digestor isn't 100% air-tight, isn't it?
    We'll be evaluating the design of the agitator packing gland with Dr. Han:

    The Full Gas Testing Event:

    And there we go: 100% LEL OR (out of range)!
    The methane quality collected was incredibly high for the anaerobic stage! It could have been higher if not for the air leakage.

    We will be proceeding to aerobic stage testing tomorrow. At the same time, the growth and sprouting of the potted plants will be monitored on a daily basis.

    Kian How, signing off on 14/12/10 at 3.00am.
    This blog serves as our FYP logbook. Thank you for visiting.
    We welcome all suggestions and comments!!