Thursday, August 5, 2010

Final Sealing & Leak Test on 4 August 2010

Final Sealing & Leak Test (4 August 2010, 11am - 2pm, SVC Farm)

Tasks Completed:
  1. Performed Leak test to check for contact glue sealing
  2. Sealed Anaeraobic & Aerobic stages together with silicon gel
  3. Connected main digestor body to scrubber
  4. Searched for duck weeds

Finally, the completed Digestor:

Status of the mini-prototype remains unchanged:

Close-up of the "Supposedly Manifold"

Found out that 1 packet of Duck Weeds costs $2.00. (wetland systems)

Never do this in the middle of the road:

Next Tasks:
  • Gas Detectors Write-up
  • PUB Letter
  • Update Archi Students
  • Blue Prototype 1st Run on 6 August 2010 (Friday), or thereafter
  • Brenda to bring saw blades

Kian How
Signing off on 5 August 1.35 am

1 comment:

  1. Complete your gas tender document by 1st week YOG, otherwise sure liao...


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