Saturday, June 26, 2010

At Tuas

25th June 2010

so.. we had our first meeting at Tuas, in the lab, after we've gotten our drums and valves which we think that we'll need.

so.. today, we only drilled the holes into the two drums and attempt to cut the rubber..

our initial drums, one for aerobic stage and one for anaerobic stage

initial aerobic digester
aerobic body before cutting

anaerobic top before cutting

initial Anaerobic digester~
anaerobic body before cutting

Scrubber top before cutting

Discussion stage
Denise discussing with us and organising our work for the day

two dao kia

Two monkeys
spotted the camera.. lol.. with Denise's hand..

Scrubber after drilling

Loading from the anaerobic stage
Anaerobic after drilling

2" valve rings
Valve rings to help connect the pipes to the drums as suggested by Duran (i think).

Denise shooting Marcus down..?
erm.. the grey part of the 'gun' is the valve socket to connect the 1" globe valve (black part) to the other pipings.. on the table are 2 x 2" ball valves (it's really huge), 1 x 2" valve ring, a 1" elbow and another valve socket

Denise and Marcus shooting each other down
as seen, the 3/4" ball valves at the ends of the 'guns', the 1" valve sockets and 1" elbows

Marcus's turn to fight rubber
Marcus sizing the rubber seals for the valve ring

Marcus working hard under Denise's supervision?
Marcus sizing the rubber seal under Denise's supervision

Kian How Fighting Rubber
Kian How cutting the rubber seals for the valve rings

Denise cutting rubber
Denise cutting the rubber seals for the valve ring

Previous prototype
Melted previous prototype..

Marcus and Hanging door
amused by second level door

PFD as of 25th June 2010
PFD as of 25th June 2010 inclusive of dimensions. for PDF file, please refer to Brenda

All in all, summary of what was done are:
  • Purchased 2 more drums from Taiko
  • Drilled drums
  • Updated PFD
  • Cut rubber for seal

adios amigo~~

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